Saturday, May 14, 2005

A's Have Beane Awful

How bad can the A's get? Especially now with Harden on the DL, things are just going from bad to worse. The Yanks beat up on Blanton tonight, and should have no trouble with Danny Haren tomorrow.

Kruk had a good point about the A's troubles - the team doesn't run enough. They don't manufacture runs. And with nobody a home run threat in that lineup, they just wait and wait. Moneyball is a sham. This team can't win a lick without the big 3, and without any decent bats in the lineup.

At least we don't have to hear from the Yankee fans about how the A's prove that you can win without money. Moneyball has turned into Lack-of-moneyball, and I'm sure Beane would be able to do a lot better with Cashman's cash. But at least Beane got the last laugh on Jason Giambi.


Anonymous said...

hey, not a bad idea. better than him ruining baseball and killing its fan base in KC, Pittsburgh, and TB.

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